Runs prediction on an image


You must have an existing image with an associated media_id

Use the media_id to send the PUT request to the endpoint /predict/v2/images/media_id/predict

Example of a successful response

  "media_id": "8d91c929-9a7e-4b29-abc7-3ab0101b5492",
  "name": "Demo image",
  "status": "done",
  "type": "image",
  "aoi_status": "unspecified",
  "results": {
    "heat": "",
    "clarity_heat": "",
    "engagement_heat": "",
    "cognitive_demand_heat": "",
    "fog": "",
    "formatted": "",
    "first_two_heat": "",
    "first_two_fog": "",
    "last_two_heat": "",
    "last_two_fog": "",
    "engagement_new_heat": "",
    "memory_heat": "",
    "buy_heat": "",
    "trustworthy_heat": "",
    "annoying_heat": ""
  "metrics": {
    "cognitive_demand": 46.66692841386403,
    "focus": 59.759537435772025,
    "focus_first_two": 67.61034096575193,
    "focus_last_two": 66.91043132486188,
    "clarity": 88.49,
    "engagement": 48.15,
    "engagement_new": 58.3116969754619,
    "memory": 56.13035924973027,
    "buy": 73.59597183042958,
    "trustworthy": 46.642828372217,
    "annoying": 22.09484428167343
  "created_at": "2023-12-05T11:38:09Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-12-05T11:39:18Z"

NOTE: The assets will only be available under the URL's for a maximum period of 5 minutes, so make sure to download them before they expire.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!