Return the details of a media


It is necessary to en existing media

Use the media_id to send the GET request to the endpoint /predict/v2/media/media_id

Examples of successful responses


For an existing image media, the results should look like this:

  "media_id": "12ee330a-9142-4640-838c-6d6fc1e65ddd",
  "name": "sample_ad",
  "status": "done",
  "type": "image",
  "aoi_status": "unspecified",
  "results": {
    "heat": "",
    "clarity_heat": "",
    "engagement_heat": "",
    "fog": "",
    "formatted": "",
    "first_two_heat": "",
    "first_two_fog": "",
    "last_two_heat": "",
    "last_two_fog": "",
    "engagement_new_heat": "",
    "memory_heat": "",
    "buy_heat": "",
    "trustworthy_heat": "",
    "annoying_heat": ""
  "metrics": {
    "cognitive_demand": 50.904459874777665,
    "focus": 83.45828370672884,
    "focus_first_two": 80.62319981104667,
    "focus_last_two": 45.30343438115154,
    "clarity": 63.41,
    "engagement": 67.51,
    "engagement_new": 58.3116969754619,
    "memory": 56.13035924973027,
    "buy": 73.59597183042958,
    "trustworthy": 46.642828372217,
    "annoying": 22.09484428167343
  "created_at": "2023-03-01T09:54:49Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-03-01T09:54:49Z"

NOTE: The assets will only be available under the URL's for a maximum period of 5 minutes, so make sure to download them before they expire.

Image prediction results

Below there's a brief explanation of each field in the image prediction results:

  • media_id: The unique identifier, which can be used to query the media.
  • name: The name of the image file.
  • status: The prediction status. If status is done then results should be visible in the response.
  • type: The type of media (image or video).

The heat maps are stored as image assets (with an expiry, as explained above), and links can be find under results:

  • heat: This is the attention heat map.
  • clarity_heat: This is the heat map for clarity.
  • engagement_heat: This is the engagement heat map.
  • fog: This is the attention fog map.
  • formatted: This is the original image (no heat map).
  • first_two_heat: This is heat map shows what draws attention in the first two seconds.
  • first_two_fog: This is fog map shows what draws attention in the first two seconds.
  • last_two_heat: This is heat map shows what draws attention in the final two seconds.
  • last_two_fog: This is fog map shows what draws attention in the final two seconds.
  • engagement_new_heat: The heat map for the brand new engagement metric.
  • memory_heat: The heat map for the brand new memory metric.
  • buy_heat: The heat map for the brand new intent to buy metric.
  • trustworthy_heat: The heat map for the brand new trustworthiness metric.
  • annoying_heat: The heat map for the brand new annoyance metric.

Metrics (find out what each metric means in this article):

  • cognitive_demand: The value for cognitive demand (in percentage).
  • focus: The value for total attention (in percentage).
  • focus_first_two: The value for attention during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • focus_last_two: The value for attention during the final two seconds (in percentage).
  • clarity: The value for clarity (in percentage).
  • engagement: The value for engagement (in percentage).
  • engagement_new: The value for the brand new engagement metric (in percentage).
  • memory: The value for the brand new memory metric (in percentage).
  • buy: The value for the brand new intent to buy metric (in percentage).
  • trustworthy: The value for the brand new trustworthiness metric (in percentage).
  • annoying: The value for the brand new annoyance metric (in percentage).


For an existing video media, the results should look like this:

  "media_id": "0d1aeafa-d360-47c2-afaf-c6149281c202",
  "name": "video_media",
  "status": "done",
  "type": "video",
  "aoi_status": "done",
  "results": {
    "heat": "",
    "fog": "",
    "formatted": "",
    "metrics": "",
    "frt_frame_metrics": "",
    "brand_detection": "",
    "brand_detection_metrics": "",
    "aoi_scores": ""
  "metrics": {
    "cognitive_demand": 91.73756099979508,
    "focus": 39.50367547395666,
    "focus_first_two": 68.92043509687068,
    "focus_last_two": 12.776237332510023,
    "engagement_new": 48.56829226514142,
    "engagement_new_start": 60.587450885026215,
    "engagement_new_end": 48.31150801571462,
    "memory": 56.917629571266,
    "memory_start": 51.441789723350155,
    "memory_end": 52.40626494502513,
    "buy": 63.22354314204671,
    "buy_start": 52.2297100223787,
    "buy_end": 36.479611806214365,
    "trustworthy": 77.95613007510966,
    "trustworthy_start": 63.80634240907102,
    "trustworthy_end": 52.42010053947325,
    "annoying": 26.19246212057231,
    "annoying_start": 28.379557578412584,
    "annoying_end": 28.379557578412584
  "created_at": "2024-01-19T09:05:44Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-01-19T09:36:49Z"

Where the brand detection metrics can be found in the JSON indicated in the brand_detection_metrics field, the AOI detection results can be found in the JSON file indicated in the aoi_scores field.

Video prediction results

Below there's a brief explanation of each field in the video prediction results:

  • media_id: The unique identifier, which can be used to query the media.
  • name: The name of the video file.
  • status: The prediction status. If status is done then results should be visible in the response.
  • type: The type of media (image or video).
  • aoi_status: The status of the AOI prediction for the media.

The heat maps are stored as video assets (with an expiry, as explained above), and links can be find under results:

  • heat: This is video with its attention heat map.
  • fog: This is the video with its attention fog map.
  • formatted: This is the original video (no heat map).

Additionally, the results field contains some JSON assets with additional detection metrics:

  • metrics: This JSON contains the frame-by-frame prediction metrics.
  • frt_frame_metrics: This JSON contains the frame-by-frame FRT metrics.
  • brand_detection: This JSON contains the frame-by-frame information on detected areas-of-interest (AOIs) that resulted from the brand-detection.
  • brand_detection_metrics: This JSON file contains the aggregated result for each of the detected AOIs prediction metrics.
  • aoi_scores: This file contains contains the brand detection metrics in a CSV format.

Metrics (find out what each metric means in this article):

  • cognitive_demand: The value for cognitive demand (in percentage).
  • focus: The value for attention (in percentage).
  • focus_first_two: The value for attention during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • focus_last_two: The value for attention during the final two seconds (in percentage).
  • engagement_new: The value for the brand new engagement metric (in percentage).
  • engagement_new_start: The value for the brand new engagement metric during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • engagement_new_end: The value for the brand new engagement metric during the last two seconds (in percentage).
  • memory: The value for the brand new memory metric (in percentage).
  • memory_start: The value for the brand new memory metric during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • memory_end: The value for the brand new memory metric during the last two seconds (in percentage).
  • buy: The value for the brand new intent to buy metric (in percentage).
  • buy_start: The value for the brand new intent to buy metric during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • buy_end: The value for the brand new intent to buy metric during the last two seconds (in percentage).
  • trustworthy: The value for the brand new trustworthiness metric (in percentage).
  • trustworthy_start: The value for the brand new trustworthiness metric during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • trustworthy_end: The value for the brand new trustworthiness metric during the last two seconds (in percentage).
  • annoying: The value for the brand new annoyance metric (in percentage).
  • annoying_start: The value for the brand new annoyance metric during the first two seconds (in percentage).
  • annoying_end: The value for the brand new annoyance metric during the last two seconds (in percentage).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!