In order to be able to run a video prediction, it is necessary to have a video which has already been uploaded into the Cloud Service.
Use the video media_id to send the PUT request to the endpoint predict/v2/videos/YOUR_VIDEO_MEDIA_ID/predict
Example of a successful response
When the request is sent, the response should a 200. status code and return the video media_id. This means the video prediction has been started. After a few minutes the prediction should be done and the prediction results should be ready.
"media_id": "0d1aeafa-d360-47c2-afaf-c6149281c202"
Frame Rate
Note that, upon processing, all videos are transformed into a frame rate of 24 FPS (frames-per-second).
The Neurons API standardizes all video uploads to a frame rate of 24 frames per second (fps) for analysis purposes. This is a standard practice, meaning that regardless of the original video frame rate—whether it’s 25 fps, 30 fps, or any other—the API processes and analyzes it at 24 fps consistently.
Note: Videos with a width or height above 1024px will be downscaled to 1024px.